How NASA Plans On Building A Moon Base

NASA's Plan to Build a Base Camp on the Moon Sounds Like Sci-Fi, But It's  Real
(Credit: NASA)

How NASA Plans On Building A Moon Base

NASA not only wants to put humans back on the Moon but also set up a more permanent presence. These are some of the main objectives of NASA’s Artemis mission. However, setting up a base on the Moon is no easy task. At over 200,000 miles away the Moon presents a lot of different challenges.

NASA plans on building a Moon base by launching consistent human missions, creating a lunar space station, and working with private companies. Each of these factors helps provide the agency with better communication, infrastructure, astronauts, and more. All of which is necessary when trying to build on the Moon.

The last time a human stepped on the Moon was in 1972. NASA has a large list of reasons for their regained interest and ambition. A Moon base would provide the agency with consistent invaluable information and help prepare them for future missions to Mars and beyond.

What Is Artemis?

Biden pursues NASA's Artemis plans for the moon | ShareAmerica
(Credit: NASA)

Artemis is NASA’s future plan to go to the Moon. Currently, NASA is working on its SLS or Space Launch System rocket for the mission. This rocket is meant to be one of the most powerful in the world and capable of bringing humans and cargo to the surface of the Moon. This mission has a large list of goals and achievements that the agency is working towards. One of the first details NASA has made clear about the Artemis mission is putting the first woman and person of color on the Moon. Additionally, the Artemis mission wants to do a lot more including setting up a more permanent presence, building a Moon space station, use new and innovative technology on the surface, set up a base, and more.

All of this with the bigger goal of using information learned on the Moon for a future trip to Mars. NASA has shown interest in going to the red planet but wants to work on the Moon first. This has to do with Mars’s incredible distance from Earth and the harsh conditions on the surface. At over 200 million miles away, NASA wants to gain as much experience and knowledge first. The agency could then more confidently make the long trip.

How Will NASA Build A Base?

Consistent Missions – One of the most important factors when building a base on the Moon is consistent missions. One or a few launches to the surface is not nearly enough to set up a more permanent residence. This has to do with a large amount of equipment and technology needed on the surface to keep astronauts alive and working. NASA’s Space Launch System will have to consistently launch new astronauts and as much cargo as possible. NASA is planning on putting humans on the surface with the Artemis III mission.

On these first missions to the surface, the human landing system will be responsible for providing life support and a place for astronauts to live in the short term. In future missions, NASA envisions a fixed habitat in Artemis Base Camp that can hold multiple astronauts for around a month. To get these habitats and astronauts consistently on the surface NASA will need to continue launching its rocket and sending humans to the Moon and Back. Another important factor will be NASA’s cooperation and deals with the private space sector. This could significantly help the agency consistently launch missions and work on the surface of the Moon.

Moon Space Station – NASA not only wants to build a base on the surface but also a large space station orbiting the Moon. The space station is called Gateway and will have many different purposes. One of the first is acting as a communication hub. Communication is paramount when you are over 200,000 miles away and the Moon space station will help provide that. Another benefit is allowing multiple human missions on the surface at the same time. Similar to consistent missions the process of having multiple missions at the same time is crucial to set up a more permanent presence. Gateway is meant to be easily expandable. This means different missions could dock to the space station prior to heading to the surface.

The modular design allows more and more sections to be added and removed over time. The space station also helps in the location of a future Moonbase. When looking back at the Apollo missions they were only able to access a very specific landing area around the Moon. Gateway will be capable of adjusting orbit and providing access to almost every part of the Moon. This is very important as NASA wants to build the base near ice for possible resources. Gateway will help them land multiple missions across the Moon.

Private Space Sector – Recently private space companies have been responsible for a lot of incredible things in the space industry. Additionally, NASA has recognized the importance of the private space sector and what partnerships can achieve. NASA plans on continuing this pattern with the future Artemis mission and Moonbase. The agency has already started working with private companies for this mission with the lunar lander competition. After looking at different private companies and their plans, NASA ended up choosing SpaceX to develop a human landing system for the Moon.

They granted the company around $2.9 billion for the development of a future Starship lunar lander. These types of contracts and cooperation between the large agency and private companies will play a major role in the future construction of a Moonbase. NASA is great and has been responsible for incredible things throughout history but they could always use help. The addition of private companies in the future could do everything from help transport astronauts, bring equipment, set up habitats, and more. The more private companies involved in the future, the more likely a base on the Moon would be successful and grow to its potential. These private companies could not only speed up the process but also increase safety and lower costs significantly.

Why NASA Wants To Build A Base

Living on the Moon: NASA's Artemis Base Camp Concept
(Credit: NASA)

A base on the Moon would provide NASA with consistent invaluable information that could be used today and for future plans. A Moon base would allow much more science, experiments, and more to happen on the surface. One of the obvious problems of landing on the surface and not having a base is the duration of time you can be there. A human landing system can only have so much life support and equipment for the trip. A secured base would solve all these issues. Additionally, the extra time and presence could allow the agency to work with the resources on the Moon’s surface. Getting supplies over 200,000 miles away is a very expensive and time-consuming process. Anything you are capable of creating or producing on the Moon is a huge help and benefit of a base.


NASA has a lot of goals for the upcoming Artemis mission. One of the biggest is establishing a more permanent presence on the surface of the Moon. To do this they plan on building a base. Specifically, NASA plans on launching consistent missions, creating a lunar space station, and working with the private space sector. Each aspect is crucial for accomplishing something never done before. A Moon base would provide science, experiments, many discoveries, and more. All of this towards the greater goal of sending humans to Mars. With the first mission meant for 2024, we will have to wait and see what the agency is capable of and how exactly they build a base on the Moon.

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